Wellness App Concept Design
Too busy and struggling with unhealthy food habits? inATE is an app that allows you to journal your food entries to help you attain your goal, whatever it may be! The quick capture feature of this app will allow even the busiest people to easily track the food they’ve eaten.
Directed Storytelling
Script Writing
Direct storytelling with 2 frequent users of wellness apps on the topics of:
Areas of Improvement
Synthesized Findings:
Less manual
Users stated that it was too much of a hassle to log in every little thing
“It should help me move forward” instead of constant reminders that "I have a task to do"
Users mentioned the idea that they did not want to constantly be on an app
“My community really helped and motivated me”
Community brought them back to the app despite functionality and aesthetics
Design Process
In order for my app to be less manual, I wanted my app to have only one feature right in the middle of the navigation bar! As soon as users open the app, it is easily possible and only takes one step.
Next, in order to fulfill the “enhancement” of users’ lives, I wanted this to be more casual and give off the feel of something less stringent so away the numbers and strict tracking went.
Next was only giving my app one single main function allowing users to live their lives while only using this app when needed and not to revolve their lives around their life but to have the app simply aid their life.
The inclusion of the community section had to be implemented due to high demand!
User Flow
Final Product
Next Steps
This app is heavily focused on building a supportive and healthy community no matter your goal. I would like to focus on thinking out a more thoughtful platform that intentionally and actively promotes healthy behaviors within the community whether that be certain technical features or guidelines. After incorporating research to this new section, I would do a usability test to validate the goals of this app.